Green Redemption

Green Redemption AR Experience:-

Witness the Awakening of Mahabalipuram Lighthouse through Our Custom Landmarker Lens

This World Environment Day, we take immense pride in unveiling our custom landmarker lens, ‘Green Redemption: Breaking the Plastic Chains.’ Through the lens, be a spectator to the remarkable transformation of the iconic Mahabalipuram Lighthouse, as it metamorphoses from a grim reminder of our plastic waste crisis into a thriving beacon of restored ecosystems.

Our lens is not merely a visual spectacle but an impactful narrative, breathing life into the pressing themes of 2023 – ‘Ecosystem Restoration’ and ‘#BeatPlasticPollution’. Witness the lighthouse standing amidst a tumultuous storm of plastic waste, a poignant portrayal of the devastation caused by environmental negligence. Through envisioning the rejuvenation of the lighthouse within our lens, we underline the urgency of ecosystem restoration and combating plastic pollution. This lens is more than a metamorphosis; it symbolizes our collective vow to surmount plastic pollution and revitalize our ecosystems. On this World Environment Day, let us take strides toward nurturing a healthier, sustainable future for our Mother Earth.

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